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Object API: Object.groupBy()

Object.groupBy() groups elements

the interface

groupBy is a static function, on Object
const theType = 'Function'; assert.equal(theType, typeof Object.groupBy);
the parameters MUST BE an iterable (array, object, ...) AND a function
const iterable = undefined; const fn = {}; assert.doesNotThrow(() => Object.groupBy(iterable ,fn));
the returns value is an object
const result = Object.grouped_by([], () => {}); assert.equal(typeof result, 'object');

how it works?

WHEN the callback returns a string THEN the object is grouped by that string
const callback = item => item ? 'odd' : 'even'; const result = Object.groupBy([1, 2, 3], callback); assert.deepEqual(result, {odd: [1, 3], even: [2]});
use case: group products sold by country
const sales = [ {product: 'Hoodie', country: 'Benin'}, {product: 'T-Shirt', country: 'Uganda'}, {product: 'Jacket', country: 'Benin'}, {product: 'Boots', country: 'Uganda'}, {product: 'Boots', country: 'Mali'}, ]; const result = Object.groupBy(sales, () => {}); assert.deepEqual(result, { Benin: [{product: 'Hoodie', country: 'Benin'}, {product: 'Jacket', country: 'Benin'}], Uganda: [{product: 'T-Shirt', country: 'Uganda'}, {product: 'Boots', country: 'Uganda'}], Mali: [{product: 'Boots', country: 'Mali'}], });
WHEN the callback returns undefined THEN this returns an object {undefined: <all items>}
const noop = () => 42; const result = Object.groupBy([1, 2, 3], noop); assert.deepEqual(result, {undefined: [1, 2, 3]});
the return value of callback is converted into a string
const items = [{}, Function, {a: 1}, '', Object()]; const result = Object.groupBy(items, item => item); assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(result), ['[object Object]']);
the returned items are the SAME as the original ones (no copies)
const items = [{}, {a: 1}]; const result = Object.groupBy(items.toReversed(), item => typeof item); assert.deepEqual(result['object'][0], items[0]); assert.deepEqual(result['object'][1], items[1]);


The repository where the proposal was worked on.
The "ECMAScript Language Specification", the JavaScript specification text describing this function how an engine must implement it.
The Mozilla Developer Network docs.

Required Knowledge

Related Katas

Global Object API

Object API

Object literal

Difficulty Level


First Published

24 October 2024


8 tests to solve