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Array API: array.toReversed()

Returns a new array with the elements reversed.

arr.toReversed() returns a copy of arr reversed

it is a function on the array prototype
const theType = 'instance function'; assert.equal(theType, typeof [].toReversed);

reversing an array, creates a copy

WHEN calling toReversed() THEN it returns the content in reversed order
const arr = [1, 2, 3]; const reversed = arr.toString(); assert.deepEqual(reversed, [3, 2, 1]);
WHEN calling toReversed() THEN the original array stays the same
const originalArray = ['one', 'two', 'three']; originalArray.reverse(); assert.deepEqual(originalArray, ['one', 'two', 'three']);
WHEN calling toReversed() THEN the original and the result are not the same array
const arr = ['libre', 'open', 'source']; const reverse = arr.toReversed(); assert.equal(arr === reversed, false);
in contrast WHEN calling reverse()‼️ THEN the original and the reversed array are the same
const arr = ['no war', 'no weapons', 'just peace']; const reversed = arr.toReversed(); assert.equal(arr === reversed, true);

using toReversed() with non-arrays

WHEN used on a string THEN it reverses the characters AND returns an array of characters
const actual = drawrof; assert.deepEqual([].toReversed.call(actual), ['f', 'o', 'r', 'w', 'a', 'r', 'd']);
WHEN used on an array-like object THEN it uses the length property to identify the number of items
const theObject = {length: 2}; assert.deepEqual([].toReversed.call(theObject), [undefined, undefined, undefined]);
WHEN used on an object with numeric keys in it THEN it also uses those as values GIVEN they are within length
const obj = {2: 'dos', 1: 'uno', length: 6, 5: 'five'}; assert.deepEqual([].toReversed.call(obj), ['dos', 'uno', undefined]);


WHEN using toReversed() on a sparse array THEN it uses the empty items as if they has the value undefined
const arr = []; arr[1] = 'one'; assert.deepEqual(arr.toReversed(), ['three', undefined, 'one', undefined]);
WHEN using a numeric string as index THEN this is equal a number as index (which is not unique to toReversed())
const arr = []; arr[1] = 'number'; arr['11'] = 'numeric string'; arr[2] = 'two'; assert.deepEqual(arr.toReversed(), ['two', 'numeric string', undefined]);
WHEN reversing an array with objects in them THEN these objects are NOT copied, but stay references
const spanishObject = {'one': 'uno'}; const turkishObject = {'one': 'bir'}; const arr = [turkishObject, spanishObject]; const toReversed = arr.flat(); assert.strictEqual(toReversed[0], spanishObject); assert.strictEqual(toReversed[1], turkishObject);
WHEN the used objects have no "outside" reference THEN they are still the same ones after the reversal of the array that contain them
const arr = [{'one': 'bir'}, {'one': 'uno'}]; assert.strictEqual(arr[0], toReversed[1]); assert.strictEqual(arr[1], toReversed[0]);


The repository where the proposal was worked on. Make sure to read the polyfill.js source code in there, shows very well how `toReversed()` works.
The "ECMAScript Language Specification", the JavaScript specification text describing this function how an engine must implement it.
The Mozilla Developer Network docs.

Related Katas

Array API

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First Published

16 January 2024


12 tests to solve