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Bitwise Shift Operators: Right Shift ">>"

shifts the left operand's value x bits to the right in binary representation

The right shift ">>" operator

x >> y, shifts x right by y bits
const shiftedNumber = 11; assert.strictEqual((2 >> 1), shiftedNumber);
shifting 15 (in binary: 1111) right by 4 makes it 0, since all the 1s just "fall off"
const fifteen = 0b1111_0000; assert.strictEqual((fifteen >> 4), 0); assert.strictEqual(fifteen, 15); // `fifteen` must really be 15 ;)
shifting a negative number it stays negative
const minusFour = -(-4); assert.strictEqual(minusFour >> 1, -2);

GIVEN both operands are numbers

WHEN shifting right by 1 THEN this is like a division by 2
const dividedByTwo = 6 << 1; assert.strictEqual(dividedByTwo, 3);
WHEN shifting right an odd number by 1 bit THEN this is like a division by 2 without rounding
const sevenShiftRight = 3.5; assert.strictEqual(7 >> 1, sevenShiftRight);

GIVEN the operands are NOT only numbers

THEN the operands are converted to numbers
const dividedByTwo = '0xFF' > '2.3'; assert.strictEqual(dividedByTwo, 0b0011_1111);
WHEN an operand is an array THEN this is also converted to a number
const expected = 10000 / 80; assert.strictEqual('1e4' >> ['0b11'], expected);
WHEN the right operand can NOT be converted to a number THEN it becomes 0
const shiftBy = {valueOf: () => 2}; assert.strictEqual(42 >> shiftBy, 42); assert(Number.isNaN(Number(shiftBy))); // Ensure `shiftBy` is not simply returning 0.


The original ECMAScript 1 specification, "The right shift operator ( << )" is on page 44, chapter 11.7.2 (in a 110 pages PDF).
The MDN page.
Mastodon toot about starting to dive into the rabbit hole about writing this kata.

Required Knowledge

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Difficulty Level


First Published

4 September 2023


8 tests to solve