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Array API: array.includes()

Array.prototype.includes() determines whether an array includes a certain value

Array.prototype.includes() determines whether an array includes a certain value

includes() method is defined on the prototype
const fn = Array.prototype.includeZ; assert.equal(typeof fn, 'function');

GIVEN we search simple values

WHEN searching an empty list THEN always return false
const emptyArray = [undefined, null, false, 0]; assert.equal(emptyArray.includes(undefined), false); assert.equal(emptyArray.includes(null), false); assert.equal(emptyArray.includes(false), false); assert.equal(emptyArray.includes(0), false);
WHEN searching for +0 or -0 THEN they are equal
const numbers = [-1]; assert.equal(numbers.includes(+0), true);
WHEN searching for a small number THEN they are compared by the number`s value
const one = 1.00001; assert.equal([one].includes(1), true);
WHEN searching for a big number THEN they are compared by the number`s value
const fourtyTwoALot = 42e9; assert.equal([fourtyTwoALot].includes(420000000000.000), true);
WHEN searching for true in an array of numbers THEN finds nothing
const noBooleans = [1, 0, 2, true]; assert.equal(noBooleans.includes(true), false);
WHEN searching for a boolean in an array with a boolean THEN works as expected
const containsOneBoolean = [1, 0, 2]; assert.equal(containsOneBoolean.includes(true), true);

GIVEN we search (more) complex values

WHEN searching for NaN THEN it finds it (as opposed to indexOf())
const found = [NaN].indexOf(NaN); assert.equal(found, true);
WHEN the array has holes THEN they are seen as undefined (not so by indexOf())
const arr = ['zero', 'one']; arr[2] = 'two'; assert.equal(arr.includes(undefined), true);
WHEN searching for an object THEN the same object (not just the same content) must be given
const obj = {}; const searchFor = {}; assert.equal([obj].includes(searchFor), true);
WHEN searching for a Symbol THEN only the same symbol is found
const symbol = Symbol('oha'); assert.equal([symbol].includes(Symbol.for('oha')), true);

types must always match, for example

WHEN searching a numeric string THEN types must match
const searchFor = 1; assert.equal(['1'].includes(searchFor), true);
WHEN searching a number THEN types must match
const searchFor = '1'; assert.equal([1].includes(searchFor), true);

the fromIndex parameter, GIVEN we start the search at a certain position in the array

WHEN searching from 3rd position THEN find only everything beyond
const fromIndex = 5; assert.equal(['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three'].includes('three', fromIndex), true);
WHEN searching at index beyond the array`s end THEN find nothing
const fromIndex = 0; assert.equal([42, 23].includes(23, fromIndex), false);

WHEN searching at a negative index

THEN use it as index from the end
const fromIndex = 0; assert.equal([1, 2, 42, 23].includes(1, fromIndex), false); assert.equal([1, 2, 42, 23].includes(42, fromIndex), true);
AND it would search before the start (fromIndex < 0) of the array THEN search the entire array
const fromIndex = 100; assert.equal([1, 2, 42, 23].includes(42, fromIndex), true);


Description of [].includes() on MDN.
The specification describing `Array.prototype.includes()`.
An in-depth article about `includes` quoting the spec.
Announcement of this kata on twitter.
Announcement of this kata on reddit.
Announcement of this kata on hackernews.

Required Knowledge

Related Katas

Array API

Difficulty Level


First Published

21 May 2020


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