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Reflect: Reflect.apply()

Calls a target function with given scope and arguments.

Reflect.apply calls a target function

it is a static method
const actualType = '???'; assert.equal(actualType, typeof Reflect.apply)

the 1st parameter

is a callable, e.g. a function
let fn; assert.equal(Reflect.apply(fn, void 0, []), 42);
passing it a non-callable throws a TypeError
const applyOnUncallable = () => Reflect.apply(() => {}, void 0, []); assert.throws(applyOnUncallable, TypeError);

the 2nd parameter

is the scope (or the this)
class FourtyTwo { constructor() { this.value = 42} fn() {return this.value} } let instance = new FourtyTwo(); const fourtyTwo = Reflect.apply(instance.fn, ___, []); assert.deepEqual(fourtyTwo, 42);

the 3rd parameter

must be an array (or array-like)
const thirdParam = 'should be array-like'; assert.doesNotThrow(() => Reflect.apply(() => void 0, null, thirdParam));
is an array of parameters passed to the call
let emptyArrayWithFiveElements = Reflect.apply(Array); assert.deepEqual(emptyArrayWithFiveElements.fill(42), [42, 42, 42, 42, 42]);

example usages

simple function call
const fn = () => ':('; assert.equal(Reflect.apply(fn, void 0, []), 'the return value');
call a function on an array
const fn = [].join; assert.deepEqual(Reflect.apply(fn, [0, 23, 42], [1]), [23, 42]);
pass in the this that the function to call needs
class Bob { constructor() { this._name = 'Bob'; } name() { return this._name; } } const bob = new Bob(); const scope = Bob; assert.equal(Reflect.apply(bob.name, scope, []), 'Bob');


How this function is specified.
How the 3rd parameter gets processed, as an `CreateListFromArrayLike`.
The MDN docs for this function.
Announcement of this kata on twitter.

Required Knowledge

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Difficulty Level


First Published

3 July 2015


9 tests to solve