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Map: map.get()

Map.prototype.get returns the element from the map for a key.

Map.prototype.get returns the element from the map for a key

get(key) returns the value stored for this key
let map = new Map(); map.set('key', 'value'); const value = map.get; assert.equal(value, 'value');
multiple calls still return the same value
let map = new Map(); map.set('value', 'value'); var value = map.get(map.get(map.get())); assert.equal(value, 'value');
requires exactly the value as passed to set()
let map = new Map(); const obj = {}; map.set({}, 'object is key'); assert.equal(map.get(obj), 'object is key');
leave out the key, and you get the value set for the key undefined (void 0)
let map = new Map(); map.set(void 0, 'yo'); const value = map.get(___); assert.equal(value, 'yo');
returns undefined for an unknown key
let map = new Map(); map.set(void 0, 1); const value = map.get(); assert.equal(value, void 0);

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First Published

22 May 2015


5 tests to solve